Photograph Albums
People Photographs

Highworth Historical Society members celebrating the Queen's Silver Jubilee in 1977. Standing left to right: John Bailey, Edith Bailey, Janet Boddy, her son.
On coach, left to right: Michael Stone, Nicolas Boddy, Bryan Lawton, Eric Chick, Mrs. Tonge, Sarah Lawton, Shuck Chick, two unknown, driver and guard. p0001

Outing of Routledge and Boulton families. 1890s. Routledges were solicitors and Boultons were grocers. The senior Mr William Boulton is second from left in the top row and on his left is Mr Winter, Mr Thomas (Routledge?) p0007

Outing of regulars from the White Horse Inn. 1930s.
Top: 3rd left Bert Farmilo, 4th left man later murdered, 5th left Jack Winter, 6th left George Cotton.
Bottom: 2nd right Fred Ramsden, 3rd right Phineas Archer, 4th right George Cooke, 6th right Mr Plumb, 1st left Mr Peapell. p0012

Simon Isles, the Highworth dwarf. A shepherd, height 48 inches. Lived in Vicarage Lane. A noted eccentric frequently arousing the town by crowing like a cockerel early in the morning. He died in 1891 in the Union Workhouse at Stratton St Margaret. p0013

Ernest Austin, champion town crier of All England. c1930. There is a silent film of Mr Austin winning the competition in Devizes. p0014

Mrs Head outside her cottage on Swindon Road, Highworth (bottom of Red Down Hill). Mr Head was gardener at Redlands Court when the Arkells owned it. 1920s. p0015

From unused postcard. On reverse is 'Kiss Read, Eastrop, Highworth, Wilts.' Rose Cottage. Said to be the first flashlight photograph taken in Highworth.
2nd Row: 4th from left Fred Read, 2nd left Mrs Marsh, 3rd left Mrs Morms,.
Front Row: 2nd from right Mrs Routledge, In front of violinist to the right is Mr Ashman. Earlier than 1910. p0018

Sunday School party at Westhill House, Cricklade Road, Highworth. Mrs Bassett and Mrs Bull. Lady standing is Mrs Arkell. 1945-1950. p0024

Children's Fancy Dress, Empire Day? Date unknown.
Top left to right: Master Higgs, Miss Higgs, Mary Moulton, ?, ?, Miss Smith (mrs Brown). Bottom, 2nd from left, Queenie Moulton. p0026

Mr and Mrs Winter, landlord of White Horse Public House, Lechlade Road, Highworth. From a postcard addressed to Mrs F Winter, Kings Avenue, Highworth. c1935. p0086

Fred Able, one-man circus, giving donkey rides in Brewery Street, Highworth ? c1960. He appears to be wearing his army uniform. He used to pitch his small tent and graze his few animals along Shrivenham Road, stay about a week and then vanish. He continued into the early 1970s. He was much loved. p0141

Said to be the first car owned by a Highworthian, Mr Wolfe-Barrie (son of Sir Wolfe-Barrie, civil engineer and builder of Tower Bridge in London) of Parsonage Farm, Highworth. 'Spyglass' (Mr Woolford) took advantage of the owner's absence to be photographed in the drivers seat. 'Barrowsalls' is 'Borrows all'. c1910. p0164

Bernard Leach and other famous potters on the steps of Coleshill House in 1929. Katherine Pleydell-Bouverie took the photograph, her sister Mary is on the right. p0252

Mr and Mrs Lay. c1916. Mr Lay was a ganger on the Highworth Railway. They lived in Westrop and were regular attendees at Zion Chapel, now the United Reformed Church. p0360