Photograph Albums
People Photographs

John Sawer before dial of St. Michael's clock. 1985. John Sawer wound the church clock once a week for many years, even into his 80s. He was also a keen clock repairer and bell ringer. p0375c

John Morse, who ran a bakery in the alleyway near Branston's on Swindon Street, Highworth. 1895-1907. p0467

Arthur 'Stacker' Willis with Neil Moulden on 'Pete', probably the horse used to deliver groceries from Willis's shop. They are in the lane at the rear of their shop. p0500

'Coeling' Austin who used to take a flat trailer, selling vegetables into Gorse Hill, Swindon. 'Cole' is the name for a cabbage. He lived in a railway carriage on the west side of Highworth. Possibly a hunchback. p0506

Highworth Blacksmith, Frank Bassett's son Tony, seen outside the forge in Station Road, Highworth. p0507

Police Sgt King who was stationed at Highworth in the 1920s. He lived at the police station, now a private house, at the corner of Station Road and Lechlade Road. He was greatly respected by the youth of the town. p0512

Frank Bassett in the uniform of a special constable in about 1942. Mr Bassett was a blacksmith working at the back of the garage in Station Road. He later opened up a forge in Brewery Street, attached to the Fox Inn. p0513

William 'Muffy' Smith with his greyhounds in 1908. Greyhound and whippet racing on the Downs was once a very popular pastime. p0515

Sunday School Party on the Vicarage lawn. 1970. Rev Brian Phillips and David Morley. Mrs Janet Harvey (standing) and Mrs Jean Stanley on right. p0542

Sunday School Party on the Vicarage lawn. 1970. Rev Porson (curate), Mrs Elizabeth Hunt (sitting), Dawn Morse and Mair Hubband. p0543

Sunday School Party on the Vicarage lawn. 1970. Mrs Bartrop, Mr Harry Bartrop, Mr Alfred Beverton, Mrs Beverton and Mr Ivor Hawkins (verger) sitting. p0545

Sunday School Party on the Vicarage lawn. 1970. Mr Harry Bartrop, Mrs Bartrop, sitting, Mrs June Phillips. p0546