Photograph Albums
Highworth Photographs

Peace Celebrations in Highworth High Street. 1919. Amongst the crowd are Mrs. Moulton, Mrs Bidon, Edward Jefferies, Mr and Mrs A Smith, Mr Moulton, Mr Ashman, and Thomas Prince (extreme right ' a prince by name and a prince by nature). p0019

VWH Hunt in Market Square, Highworth. from unused postcard with note on rear 'Grandpas Birthday, Nov 20th 1909. 80 years old. p0043

Market Square, Highworth. c1920. Showing Smith's Cash Stores, Bowermans Cycle Shop, Frank News Fishmonger, John Moulton Builder, Bartrop's Hardware, Albert Smith's sweetshop, The King and Queen Inn, and Marsh's Drapery. p0044

Sheep Street Highworth from the churchyard gates. c1900. Cobbles were covered over 1930s. Sheep Street was sometimes called Church Street. p0047

Highworth High Street looking east. 1900-1910. Austin's Bakery on the right, Barrett's Drapery on the left. The 4th or 5th house on the left is Denner's Toy Shop and a private house formerly the Bull Inn. p0015

Highworth High Street looking west. 1900 - 1910. Brunsden's on the right was once a candle and rush light 'factory'. p0052

The Manor House or Monastery and The Saracen's Head Hotel. Highworth High Street. Taken from St Michael's Church tower. c1972. p0053

Highworth High Street looking west. Left is Rouse's ropemaker, then the Manor House or Monastery, the The Saracen's Head hotel. Marsh's Drapery in the centre. From postcard dated 29th July 1904. p0054

Young Men's Institute (No. 29 High Street, formerly The Bull Inn). dressed for the coronation of Edward VII. 1901 or 1902. p0058

Swindon Street, Highworth. looking north. Building on left was once a Grammar School. Fishes Inn on right. c1900. p0062

Swindon Street, Highworth. looking south. From a postcard. Schoolmasters house at the bottom. c1900. p0063

From St Michael's Church tower, Highworth. Looking west. Showing Home Farm and Cricklade Road. Hooper was a well known Swindon photographer in the period 1903-22. c1910. p0065

Highworth Court and Home Farm Cottages in about 1910. The right hand cottage was taken down but the left one was retained to support Highworth Court. The thatch was removed. p0066