Welcome to The Highworth Historical Society
Here you can find a wealth of historical information, documents and photographs all relating to Highworth and its neighbourhood throughout the ages. From local characters to the buildings and the ever-changing face of our town and its surrounding area, it is all here. Please browse the various sections and photographic galleries to discover for yourself the amazing stories of the people and events which have made our town what it is today..
Next Lecture
25th September 2024
AGM folowed by a Bring and Show event by various society members.
Click here to see more information about our future events
This site has been designed as just one of the resources available to anyone interested in the history of this area. We have endeavoured to make finding the information you want as easy as possible and we are constantly updating and adding relevant information.
We are always on the lookout for items or documents relating to Highworth and its surrounding villages to add to our archive. If you have anything which might be of interest to us, and you have no objection to the society copying or photographing it, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Our latest publication, Highworth Through Time, is now for sale in the Visit Highworth shop in the High Street, the Lighthouse Bookshop in the High Street and Highworth Library. Only £9.00
Come along to the Community Centre in The Dormers to view the impressive display of farming equipment, much of which
is over 100 years old.
Free Entry.
We hope you enjoy our site and happy hunting…